Heavenly Father, we praise you for Your faithfulness, for Your promise to never leave us. We know that not only have You anointed Your people with Your Spirit but that Your Spirit is with us in this land, stirring up hearts that long for more, for better, for hope. We pray You would use us to be a light to the lost in this world, that others would see that our hope is in the best, Your forever Kingdom!
Our world is inundated with headlines and editorials. It is rare to go through our daily routine and not see or hear some bit of news. We pray for Your wisdom and discernment in sorting through these bits of information. Satan likes to manifest his lies in the form of headlines and would have us believe that if it were in the news, it must be true. God, we know that many things that are in the news are not truth and that many times the news is reported skewed in one direction or another. Help us to wisely seek balance in our knowledge, recognizing there is most likely more to a story than what any particular news outlet would have us believe.
May we seek more of Your Good News in scripture than we seek on the computer or the tv. May we remember this world is not our home but that we are to be light and salt in this world. May we remember Your son, Jesus, died for all of us, not just the ones we like to agree with. And God, we ask that You please forgive us when we get so caught up in late breaking news, that we lose sight of our eternal perspective. Remind us when we do get news information that most likely someone behind that headline needs prayers and that we all need a Savior. May we bring the headlines of hope to this nation, a hope for a better place. May Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
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