Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hear My Prayer...

"I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer."  Psalm 17:6

I love it when God's messages for me are so very clear that there becomes a stirring in my soul that doesn't rest until I "get it".  It is truly an exciting feeling.  In my head, I know there wouldn't be so much time passed between those messages if I wasn't so easily distracted and self-centered.  But thank you, Father, for being a God so full of grace and an unending pursuit of your children, a Good Shepherd.  This week a series of events, mostly minor, have culminated for me in a beautiful reminder from my Heavenly Father and I had to share.  (mainly so I don't forget in days to come, but also because one of you may benefit as well)

In the last few months I have spent more time on Pinterest than I have before.  I think I've finally been at a place where I could think clearly enough (after our move and processing grief) to actually try a few things I had pinned.  The more I tried, the more I pinned.  I have yet to sit at the desktop computer to look at Pinterest for I KNOW I would not get up for days and this could be dangerous!  I have, however, utilized my iphone app to glance at a few ideas either in the car pool line or while waiting at appointments or while taking a short break.

My family has benefitted from delicious meals, cleaning tips, and a few crafty projects.  A while back I posted this Prayer Board idea

I loved the idea of having a place visible for me to be easily reminded of people and situations I wanted to pray for.  Well, like so many pins, I forgot about this one for a while but occasionally as I would look by through my pins for something else, I would see this and remember that I really wanted to do this.

After the death of my Dad last summer, my Mom has done an exceptional job of taking over his businesses and following through with his projects as well as keep her own magazine business very strong.  In the last few weeks, she published a book through their publishing company, Candlelight Press, that originally Dad began working on with their pastor and author of the book, Phil McClendon.  Mom brought me my copy of Awakening last week and I am really enjoying it.  Though it is fiction and Phil does not claim to know the exact inter-workings of the spiritual realm, it has helped me to be aware of the spiritual battles going on around each of us every day.

Though we don't always see the angels standing guard or the demons prowling like a roaring lion, we know from scripture they are real.  So just as by faith I will tell you God is very real, and alive and working in and around us right now, I will also tell you that so are His armies of angels and unfortunately the enemy predators of Satan.  As I'm reading this book, I'm asking myself how often I call the name of God for the every day happenings in my life.  Do I send my kids out the door with prayers of protection and guidance and against fear and  destruction?  Do I pray with whole-hearted belief that God not only hears my prayer but He gets right on it because it is that important to Him?  Can you picture this image... as thoughts of worry or frustration creep into my morning, hearing in my head doubt, defeat, and even disgust... and then I lift up a prayer... "God I know you are God of the universe and yet you care about me!  You have placed me here at this time, this place for Your Glory, for Your Kingdom.  I give you this moment, these thoughts, these fears.  I TRUST in You and will walk the next step in Your name, wherever it leads."... Angels with words of assurance, confidence, peace, compassion and love rush to my side and immediately the enemy cowers and flees!  I don't know exactly how the spiritual realm plays out, but I do know it is real.  I do know that in the name of Jesus evil spirits flee (Acts 16:18).  This got me thinking more about my prayers; when I pray and how I pray.

This week our quiet cul-de-sac neighborhood was disrupted with a night intruder.  As I continue to thank God over and over that not one person was harmed and things that were taken were fairly minor, I am reminded to keep covering our home, our neighborhood with prayers of protection, of awareness, and
I came across that pin again earlier this week while I was on the treadmill.  I will often try to read my Bible app or look at Pinterest on my phone while I'm on the treadmill.  And this is fine during my warm up or cool down, but really not safe when I pick up my speed.  I'm a multi-tasker!  I enjoy using my time efficiently, doing more than one thing at a time.  So I was moving along on the treadmill, past the point of looking at anything on my phone, AND IT HIT ME!  There is a blank wall in front of me that would be the perfect spot for a Prayer Board!  So I made it my goal to complete it this week and get it hung up.

  I'm in the process of filling it with names, pictures and scriptures that I want to pray.  I love having it right there in front of me.  I love the idea of being able to intentionally multi-task on the treadmill.  Though I pray throughout the day, all day, it is rare that I have an uninterrupted block of time with reminders of all the things I want to pray about in front of me.  So I'm loving this addition to my prayer life!